Mac Book Air (2022) に TeX 環境をインストールする

このはてなブログに触るのは四年振りぐらいとなるが、まあこういう技術的なことは書こうではないか。 さて、Mac Book Air の 2022 年モデルを入手することが出来たので、LaTeX の環境を導入する。これまで Mac OS を全く使ってこなかったので色々と分からな…

少々、ブログで適当な記事を書くことに対するモチベーションが揚がってきているが、それは恐らく虚妄。どうせ書くなら英語だな。 (3:17) だが、とどのつまりは怒りってことだな。



このすば面白いなあ。兎に角声優が滅茶苦茶上手いよね。 もうちょっとがちっとやる気を出して英語を極めて書くか……。それまでの間にきちんと日本人が面白いと思うようなものが受け入れられるような土壌がマーケットに出来上がってくれるといいんですけどねえ…

Fate/Stay Night 面白いなあ。月姫の英語版はあるのかな?


While sleeping this morning, I was thinking of a system of poison. The `poison n' (n \in N) was like this. n must not be prime. Since n is not a prime, n can be broken down into several primes that make n by multiplying. Take the biggest d…


今日は日本語です。方言に関することなので、日本語人がきちんと参照できるように日本語で書きます。 さっき私の祖母がぽろっと言った「よんど」という言葉の意味が分からなかったので、よく聞いてきました。「どうしても」というような意味だと本人は言って…

Praying for a Dream to Unseen Duolingo


A disclaimer: the title means only that this is about Duolingo. Umm. Apropos of nothing, in Duotch (Duolingo-Dutch, because I mainly spend time in Duolingo), `Mogen zij morgen zwemmen?' is supposed to be translated as `Are they allowed to …

Ninja Slayer

Let me talk about Ninja Slayer. You know, I was surprised because one of my friends suddenly said that Ninja Slayer was originally written by Japanese guys. He naturally denied the official information that it was written by guys in Americ…

Another Music Clip


Wait. Hmm. Well, by any chance are they connected? Yeah that must be so. I would like to confess that when I began this song, I felt something familiar to East Asia -- that's just my feeling, and no one can deny what others' feel. But anyw…

Two Music Clips


Although I must say I don't understand what she is singing, the musics, the melodies are fine, lovable. Thanks to yesterday's tutor of English. You know, practicing in Duolingo is tiresome, though some people say it's... addictive, was it?…

No Changer Is not a No Changer


...And then, you call a noun that has the same form for the plural as the singular, a no changer, right? ( And `no changer' is no `no changer' because it's `no changers' when it's plural, huh. I did…

Userscript again


I installed this: Although they are satisfiable now, when I feel I don't like anymore, how can I uninstall them? Would there be some instruction somewhere?

The Sounds of `V', `W' and `F', and `R'


Hmm. I see. Dutch also has several accents according to existing languages. That must be so. And it's interesting. Huh, the notation on Hatena for YouTube seems to have changed. But since YouTube provides an embedding code, you know? And I…

Plug-in in Duolingo


OK. Let's talk about Duolingo. As someone may know, I've started and am learning the Dutch language. And there's a website called Duolingo, which is fine.And here I would like to note a reminder for myself in the future.I introduced the fo…

Talking about a video in Japanese in English might be like `hey, who is this entry for?', but since this is, you know, a blog on the bubble structure of blogs, there's no one to stop me. I'm free...But it doesn't mean that I'm gonna talk a…

Doing analysis in Japanese while inputting news' sound in Dutch which I don't understand makes me mad. Music might be better than something full of content after all.

OK. Let's talk about something, as usual. Well, I may have to start with the issue of summer time. It is not actually `summer time' in the place where I am, but anyway it has ended without my noticing it (oops, you may be able to research …

I am searching for Dutch-English, and Dutch-Japanese electric dictionaries. Remember, this is a diary blog. I can write things I do in ordinary days. I would not talk about university-related things though. You know, since I'm a descendant…

And finally, by starting writing something in the body of the blog, the process of Anglicization finishes. I was Anglicizing this blog. And, O yes, we can now celebrate the rebirth of Liber Violaceus! After a long rest time, this blog gets…

ちょっと待ってくれ! 世界樹と不思議のダンジョンって一体どんなゲームなんだ!? 今知ったぞ! なんだよ、3 月 5 日って、もう出てる計算じゃあねーか! 知らなかったぜ!


巷で、ワンピースが白金に見えるとか青黒に見えるとかということが言われていたものだから、そう言えば今期はコントロールと言ったら青黒系が強いんだよなー、珍しーなーと思った。 ま、話をそっちの方に持っていくと、結論的には僕には青黒には見えないんだ…





あの! ちょっと生け贄について捧げたいんですけど! (そういうネタを RPG マガジンで見た。) それはともかくとして、さっき、ニコニコの動画のヘッダーに『市場クロガネは稼ぎたい』の宣伝が流れてきて、学園を舞台にした知略渦巻く(渦巻く知識)漫画だ…



『涼宮ハルヒちゃんの憂鬱』の第 25 話のエロゲーのようなものの、オープニングが、かなりいい。僕はああいうのが好きなんだが、何しろ臆病だからなあ。